Evolved Energy Solutions provide detailed energy specifications designed around the Dwelling Energy Assessment Procedure (DEAP) methodology and software.
We are one of the leading Irish energy assessors and have vast experience in providing detailed energy specifications for commercial and residential projects. Using the DEAP software at early design stage ensures our clients’ projects achieve Part L compliance and NZEB compliance using the best solutions available to them.
The DEAP methodology is not open to interpretation in any way. It is a level playing field apart from one factor – the competence and skill sets of the Building Energy Rating (BER) assessor, and the team around them.
The value a professional BER assessor can bring to a design team should not be underestimated. A correctly trained industry aware assessor can save a developer significant costs, assist the M&E consultant in their selection of plant and equipment, account for the fabric upgrades an Architect has designed as well as providing on site testing services during the construction phase.
All of the team at Evolved Energy Solutions have individual construction skill sets which we bring to every project.